Sorry this is such a long one, but I had a great comment on my last post. To sum it up, it was about being happy in their new job and having to do "mentality retraining." I
so understand that. It's like shaking off years of a way of thinking. Of freeing my mind to be myself again. Someone once told me I should never want to work somewhere that I feel I have to hide my talents and I don't have to do that at this new job.
For over 2 years, I was working against my personality type. Every day that I had to hold it in and hold my tongue led to hating myself as much as I hated what I was doing. My drawer was filled with ginger ales, chews and powder to ease my stomach--I was so ill every morning.
One day a few weeks ago, I was sticking labels on a large board mailing and thought about something a colleague told me at an event. A Native American illustrator--Greggory--was sitting at the next table and told me how he was working a job he hated and one day it hit him. He said, "You might think this sounds crazy, but all I could think was 'What I am doing is not honoring my ancestors.'" He quit and started his own graphic design company. I told him I didn't think it sounded crazy at all and we talked for the rest of the time there. I thought about that statement and it felt like my world stopped and restarted at that moment. I looked at those books and thought, "I am not honoring my ancestors. I'll never do another one of these again." That
very day I found the ad that led me to being hired at my new gig now. Call it fortuitous. Call it the ancestors at work. I don't know. All I know is that I'm so much happier where I am now.
Here's a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer: "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."