Sigh. I said many bad things about the French as I hopped on my plane to London. I swore I'd never return. My excitement at seeing the Eiffel Tower from the air upon coming was replaced with relief that I was leaving. I'm not one of those "freedom fries-I-hate-the-French"-types because I don't, but they sure made it hard. It just felt so cold there and I'm not talking temperature. Here are my reasons I'm willing to give Paris another try:
- the nice pastry shop owner who gave me the yummy teeny tart above for free
- the pharmacist who helped me with medicine for my insect sting from hell
- the wonderful staff at Angelina's tea salon on the rue Rivoli (have the chocolat l'africain!)
- the guy I shared a laugh with on the Paris Metro when Chris fell asleep and started keeling over
- the fact that I wasn't staying in city center and we weren't quite sure what to do there
- and, it reminds me of home
Maybe in 2 years I'll go back...perhaps...I want to give it another go.
Looks like an amazing holiday. Glad that you forgave the French eventually.
Australian guy who has never been overseas. Maybe I should.
I lived and worked in France for several years and loved it--and the French loved me--but I think most Americans are either London people or Paris people. You don't need to apologize if, despite the good you found in Paris, you really loved London.
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