Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Shows and Standards

OK...I understand the whole thing about volunteers, non-profit, file formats, etc., but why why why do most shows & exhibits still insist on slides?

The turnaround time and expense for digital-to-slide is still a pain when you need them done last minute. I haven't owned a 35mm in 4 years and everyone I know either uses digital like I do or those inexpensive disposable types, so I don't know anyone with a 35mm with zoom.

It's almost hilarious really, but being the procrastinator that I am, I have a quilt to shoot and get slides FedExed to IL by August 1st. That's right--August 1st and it's the 26 of July. Yeah, I know. Procrastination's a bad thing. A very bad thing...but darn it, when you're pressed for time, trying to hunt down a dang 35mm with zoom is even worse!


Karoda said...

Elle, I've read (no experience with it) that you can turn digitals images to slides...not knowing what the process is or what the considerations need to be, but it is worth checking out.

Nikki said...

And the best professional photographers are using digital these days too. I talked to a local gal who does wonderful work and she thought I was completely crazy when I said I needed slides.

jenclair said...

Quiltart Digest, Vol 18, Issue 173 - Van does slides from digital images and lists some prices. You have probably already read this issue, but decided to let you know just in case.