Wednesday, March 30, 2005

a-HA! Elle's Book Review of the Week

Well, I was at Border's today and came across Susan Carlson's Free Style Quilts. It's like a light bulb went off or something. Her explanations of her collage method are clear and simple enough that even beginners like me could follow with no problem. I love her portraits. I can't wait until payday to go back and get it! (I have to pace myself buying books. Books and quilt stuff...It's a me.)


Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

This is a great book Elle, you'll love it. No more fusible web..just glue stick, oh the freedom! (grin)

Karoda said...

Elle, I've rediscovered the library for reviewing quilt books before purchasing. After keeping it for 3 weeks, I can tell if this is a book that needs to stay on my Amazon wish list as a must have.

Deborah Boschert said...

Susan Carlson is great. She lives here in Maine and came to our local guild recently. Plus she has a little show at the local frame shop every year and I got to see her amazing sacrabs a couple of months ago. Freedom for sure -- GLUE! Whodathunk.