Monday, December 26, 2005


After all that time I spent drawing and painting that and...

...I SCORCHED it. I mean big ol' iron print right at the top. I've never scorched anything with an iron in my life, but it happened today. On my freshly painted fabric. Lesson learned? Don't forget to use a pressing cloth as a barrier. Whoops. What was I thinking? Ohhhh...that's right...I wasn't!

Craptastic. It is ruined and I'm going to have to start again. AAAIGGGH.


Deborah Boschert said...

Oh I'm so sorry. That sucks... surely there is some creative solution. Set it aside for a bit and I promise you'll come up with something.

Deb R said...

Damn. So sorry Elle!

What Deborah said. Don't toss it, just put it aside for a while and don't look at it. Maybe you can cut off the scorched part and do something creative with the rest when you arent' feeling so disgusted with the whole thing.

Gerrie said...

An applique! You can salvage it! I hate when this happens.