Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Today has just been an awful awful day at work. It was so incredibly beautiful outside, why did it have to be so very ugly inside? I just had to stop and sit and breathe and collect myself because I had been made to feel so nothing.

I found myself zoning out and remembering driving this past summer from L.A. to Vegas w/my husband in 112-degree heat through the Mojave Desert. Being from and living on the East Coast, the West has such an alien landscape to me with its rugged, rocky, craggy mountains and barren desert plains. I loved the small canyons and the way there was nothing there at all but desert, mountain and sky. The clouds would pass over, casting these large shadows over the ground. I had never seen anything like it before.



Karoda said...

hangeth in, elle, just hangeth in...

Sonji Hunt said...

See, Elle, you found a way to make yourself feel better. If you keep doing this, eventually the crap that people do and say at work won't even matter. I was always amazed at how I finally let things roll off my back after making a focused effort to not give a poop. It makes everything much easier! THINK OF BAOBOB.