Friday, March 24, 2006

Off Deadline...Whew!

Yup. That's me in my "home clothes" of a sweater (I'm always cold), tank top and ripped jeans. Why am I so happy? I've been working on my story for the Dark Dreams anthology series. If accepted, this will be my third one. The second book comes out next month and I'm pretty excited. I showed the first one to my cousin while at Border's and she said, "COOL! You have a book--in a bookstore!" Yeah, I think it's pretty darn cool too.

The first one I wrote for my editor he didn't seem to dig, so I wrote a brand new one called "Flight"--about a French Jesuit missionary expedition gone wrong in 1660s Illinois and what happens to a former slave "freed" by this. I enjoyed writing it, but I'm glad it's done, LOL.

Whew. I am done. Time for a new project or in my case, wrapping up some old ones.

1 comment:

Gerrie said...

I am so impressed with the breadth of your talent. Way to go.