Friday, February 18, 2005

OK, So I Made A Mistake Already

I still make lots of mistakes since I'm new at this. Things aren't perfect. I can't say I always want them to be. Weird stuff goes down. I do some questionable things with the settings on my machine. There's a good amount of "uh-oh"s and expletives being said, but the drive's still there.

I'm looking forward to the pieces I'll create. In the meantime--being a little clumsy--I'm just trying not to accidentally slice & dice myself with my rotary cutter.

I finally finished my guild nametag to wear tomorrow. We get fined a dollar if we don't wear it and they want to start enforcing that. It's a King's Cross pattern and I thought I'd have some fun with beading.

"Uh-Oh" of the Day: Didn't leave enough of a seam allowance after beading.

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