Sunday, April 15, 2007

O Where O Where Has My Little Foot Gone?

I have now managed to not only misplace my instruction manual, but my straight stitch foot as well--that has the little click-y shank on it that all of the others (except for the freemotion) attach to!


Janome, rescue me from myself!


Shirley Goodwin said...

Phew! Not your OWN foot then! At least machine ones are replaceable!

Susan said...

Better the machine's foot than yours, but how frustrating! Can you get a spare until the other one turns up?

PaMdora said...

I agree with the above comments, when I first saw the headline in my RSS reader, I thought you had lost your real foot. Probably jumped to conclusions because I recently heard about someone losing a thumb!

Karoda said...

Hi Lawana...just dropping into your comment box to check on you and see how you're doing. I hope all is most well!

Delta said...

Come back soon! We miss you.